应公司陕西省信息通信网络及安全重点实验室的邀请,英国萨里大学(University of Surrey)5G创新中心(5G Innovation Centre, Institute for Communication Systems)主任Pei Xiao教授将于2019年12月21日来公司做专题学术讲座,欢迎广大师生参加!报告的具体安排如下:
报告题目:Sparse Code Multiple Access (SCMA) for Future Massive Machine Communications
Bio:PeiXiao is a Professor of Wireless Communications at the Institute for Communication Systems, home of 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) at theUniversityofSurrey. He is the technical manager of 5GIC, leading the research team in the new physical layer work area, and coordinating/supervising research activities across all the work areas within 5GIC (www.surrey.ac.uk/5gic/research). Prior to this, he worked atNewcastleUniversityand Queen’s University Belfast. He also held positions at Nokia Networks inFinland. He has published extensively in the fields of communication theory, RF and antenna design as well as signal processing for wireless communications.
Abstract: In the first part of the presentation, the research activities across all the work areas of 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC),UniversityofSurrey, will be briefly introduced and recent achievements highlighted. In the second part of the presentation, we will look at the Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) technique for future mMTC where the number of connected devices inevitably exceeds the number of available resources, given the ever-increasing demand, resulting in an over-loaded or a generalized rank-deficient condition. In this case, the system’s performance is highly dependent on the multiuser interference management. SCMA has emerged as a promising candidate solution to handle the over-loaded conditions, and fulfil the requirement of massive connectivity. In this talk, we will look at fundamentals of SCMA and some of our recent highlights and achievements in this area.